Wednesday 17 January 2018

Mission 2018-19

FAME India Scheme
The Government has extended the FAME India Scheme by 6 more months. FAME stands for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. The scheme was launched in 2015 under the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) with an aim to promote eco-friendly vehicles in the country. Its objective is to provide fiscal and monetary incentives for adoption and market creation of both hybrid and electric technologies vehicles in the country. It also aims to support hybrid or electric vehicles market development and its manufacturing eco-system in the country in order to achieve self-sustenance in stipulated period. The scheme is being administered by Heavy Industries Ministry.

National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020
FAME Scheme under NEMMP has been extended for 6 months. NEMMP aims to achieve national fuel security by promoting hybrid and electric vehicles in country. It has set ambitious target of 6-7 million sales of hybrid and electric vehicles on year from 2020 onwards.
Diksha Portal
Ministry of MHRD launched Diksha Portal for providing digital platfrom to teachers to make their lifestyle more digital. It will serve as National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers. Through this portal, all teachers across national will be equipped with advanced digital technology.
National Nutrition Strategy
NITI Aayog has launched National Nutrition Strategy aimed at Kuposhan Mukt Bharat. It intends at bringing nutrition to centre-stage of National Development Agenda. It lays down roadmap for targeted action to address India’s nutritional needs.
National Nutrition Week
National Nutrition Week was recognized between 1 to 7 September in the country. The theme for the year 2017 was “Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices: Better Child Health. The objective of the vent is to intensify awareness generation on importance of nutrition for health which has an overall impact on development, productivity, economic growth and ultimately National development.

International Literacy Day:
Every year International Literacy Day is recognised on 8th September to emphasise on the importance of literacy to individuals, society and communities. The day was established in 1966 by UNESCO. This year the theme wasLiteracy in a digital world’.
UJALA Scheme launched in Malaysia
India’s Unnat Jyoti by Affordable Lighting for All or UJALA scheme was launched in Melaka State of Malaysia by Energy Efficiency Saervices Limited under the Union Ministry of Power. UJALA is LED based Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP). In India it is implemented by EESL.
Surya Kiran
12th Edition of India-Nepal joint military exercise - Surya Kiran - was held at Nepal Army Battle School. It is conducted bi-annually, alternatively in India and Nepal.

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