Sunday 1 April 2018

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
  • Established in 1945 with the objective of eliminating hunger and improving nutrition and standards of living by increasing agricultural productivity.
  • Secretariat is located in Rome, Italy.
  • Key programmes==> Food Security Programmes, Codex Alimentarius, & International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) etc.
Codex Alimentarius – International Food Standards==> established by FAO and WHO develops harmonized international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair trade practices in the food trade. CAC has recently adopted three Codex standards for black, white and green pepper, cumin and thyme owing to India‘s efforts to benchmark global spices trade.
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) ==>it aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests.
  • Globefish is an unit within the FAO, responsible for information and analysis on international fish trade and markets.
Flagship Publications
Every year, FAO publishes a number of major ‘State of the World’ reports related to food, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and natural resources.
1.      State of Agricultural Commodity Markets
2.      State of Food and Agriculture
3.      State of Food Insecurity in the World
4.      State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
5.      State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources
6.      State of the World’s Forests
7.      State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture
8.      State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
9.      State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
10.    Status of the World’s Soil Resources
Globefish‘s flagship reports cover over 14 of the most major traded seafood commodities, including shrimp, tuna, salmon, small pelagics and other species with detailed statistics

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