Thursday 18 January 2018

UN-Specialized Agencies

Economic and Social Council
·         Principal organ to coordinate the economic, social and related work of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and institutions.
·         Members: 54, elected by the GA for a three-year term and Seats in the council are allocated based on geographical representation.
·         The president is elected for a one-year term and voting in the Council is by simple majority; each member has one vote.
·         It undertakes the day-to-day work of the UN, administering the programmes and policies of the organization.
·         It is headed by the Secretary-General, assisted by a staff of international civil servants worldwide
International Court of Justice
·         Located at The Hague, in the Netherlands.
·         Settles legal disputes between states and gives advisory opinions to the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
·         15 judges appointed by the General assembly with the term of 9 years.  Every sitting judge must be from a different nation.
·         Hear cases related to war crimes, illegal state interference, ethnic cleansing, and other issues.

·         The Court can only hear a dispute when requested to do so by one or more States.  It cannot deal with a dispute of its own motion

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